All posts by Cogito Ergo Doleo

Bon soir. Je m'appelle D'mitri Wyllchen, mais mon nom de plume pour ce site sera Cogito Ergo Doleo. Bien que je ne parle pas normalement en français, Je suis essayer d'écriver en français pour practique. Je sais que mon français est mauvais, mais je vais devenir mieux apres quelque temps. Merci pour votre patience.

Montel Williams on Outnumbered: “As long as we don’t ever talk about the issue (of racism), it will never get solved”

This clip is painful to watch. Montel Williams brings up the problem of racism and how the media refuses to talk about it. Watch as all the female cohosts of Fox’s desperately try to change the subject. Andrea Tantros takes the cake in the category of the absurd when she goes off on her stump speech about families.

La Citation Du Jour

I am here to announce what I’m sure will be the most talked about executive action this month. Today, I am taking an action fully within my legal authority, the same kind of action taken by Democrats and Republican presidents before me, to spare the lives of two turkeys, Mac and Cheese, from a terrible and delicious fate.
They’ll get to live out the rest of their days respectively at a Virginia estate with 10,000 acres of roaming space. I know some will call this amnesty.

–President Obama in a not so subtle jest to all the teabaggers out there.

What is the evidence for evolution?

As someone who subscribes to the naturalistic origins of life on Earth, I often find myself having a hard time thoroughly explaining the evidence to the average Joe. This is primarily for two reasons:

1.) I lack any real scientific background.

2.) Most people have the attention spans of gnats.

Fortunately, this video does an excellent job of summing it all up in a short amount of time using evidence from various disciplines to back up its case.